Using Facebook to Grow Your Chapter (or Non-Profit)

In case you missed it, here is a link to my webinar for the Grant Professionals Association on how to employ social media (mostly Facebook) to grow your local organization. This is for intermediate users, referencing the basics of Facebook Page creation but jumping in...

My Love Affair with Canva

If you work for a nonprofit that has a big budget for graphic design and glitzy images that you can order on a weekly whim, good for you! Meanwhile, back here on Planet Earth, pulling graphics together to power up your social media messages and related fliers on a...

Social Media for Grant Professionals

When America got soaked in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge which rained in $115 million in donations, the power of social media as a tool for nonprofits was raised to a whole new level. If you’ve been hesitant to self-promote or don’t know how to connect your nonprofit’s...